Food and nutrition
Vegetarian diet
The playschool offers a vegetarian diet that includes milk products such as yoghurts and cheese.
We make our own food from quality produce. The lakto-ovo vegetarian diet is put together with the right nutritional needs for children. We always make sure we buy local and ecological products when we can.
We take in account all allergies and dietary requirements.
Daily meals
We serve breakfast, lunch and a snack each day. At mealtimes we always make sure that we create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Mealtimes provide an opportunity for children to develop good eating behaviours, as well as learn about nutrition and food variety. Meal times are important time for social interaction.
The Children learn to independently serve their own food, poor their own drinks and butter their bread. After children have finished their meal they are encouraged to tidy up their dishes and throw away any leftover food.
We encourage the children to try new foods but never force children to eat. We always discuss food in a positive way and allow children to eat in their own pace.
We serve many different types of tastes and textures, learning and experiencing with a variety diet. We also try different tastes from different cultures and around the world.
We have soup twice a week and we make our own bread. The children take part in making snack and in the autumn we collect our crops to make different meals such as salads, soups and pies.

Breakfast 8.00-8.30
Served at 8.00-8.30.
Is often described as the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is a critical meal because it influences how we perform physically and mentally throughout the day.
Our breakfast normally consists of porridge, toast, fruit, yoghurt, or muesli.

Served at 11.30-12.00.
Our all-vegetarian lunches are specially designed to support children’s daily nutritional diet without serving any meat products. Along with home-made bread that the children bake twice a week are all part of understanding the value of good food and learning to acquire different tastes and texture.
Meals have a combination and a variety of cereal products, vegetables, legumes, seeds, fruits.

Served at 14.15-14.30.
Children should be eating healthy foods and food that is as close to its natural form as possible. Our afternoon snack consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread with healthy toppings, natural yoghurts and berries. We serve water and milk with every meal and water is available throughout the day.
We do cooking once a week where we make a variety of different healthy foods, both savoury and sweet that are enjoyed at snack time.