About me form Tietoja minusta kaavake EN Contact Information about your childThe full name of the childThe child’s nicknameDate of birth of the childThe languages your child speaksLearn about your child’s habits. Fill with your child.Foods I like and foods I don’t like? Can I feed myself or do I need help? Do I have a lid in my cup?Daytime sleep/Sleep: Where do I like to sleep, what times are best for me, do I have a sleep routine? Comforts? What are the signs that I’m tired?My favorite toy? Things I like to do at home and with whom I play?Going to the toilet. Do I wear diapers? Do I need help going to the bathroom? Or do I like more potty chair?How I like to play. Alone or with others?My favorite books, rhythms, music, songs, or TV shows?Things that make me sad or unhappy? Things I don’t like to do? How to calm and comfort me?Who lives at home with me? Do I have sisters and brothers too and how old are they, pets, etc.?My thoughts of playschool; (e.g., hopes, expectations, possible fears…)?Parents’ thoughts on getting startedParents’ wishes and expectations about play school?How and when will my child come to school?Any other information. Anything from me that could be useful information (recent loss, illnesses, diets, family separation)?Other experts (Nurse, Consultants, Speech and Language, Children’s Services (Social Services), Children’s Center Staff) involved in my life?Send